
TeenNick has unveiled very small sneak peaks of the new episodes of Degrassi that are coming in 2012.  The most entertaining thing is watching the fandom get outraged over Clare wanting to lose her virginity to Jake.

Posted by Kary


  1. :D! Trollface.jpg (Stephen Stohn) LOL!



  2. Are they ever going to give Claire a story that doesn’t involve a man??



  3. ahh i already want to see the new freshman!!! clare clare *shakes my head*






  5. Tori, Maya, and Zig – Not enough info to make a proper diagnosis of the promo.

    Kenna – It simply wouldn’t make sense for them to get back together, they put their child up for adoption and Jenna moved out. Scars like that don’t allow a rekindling of that relationship.

    Cake – It’s already been said many times Clare’s character is becoming completely buried under pointless and out of character romance with Jake.



  6. I used to love Clare. WHAT HAPPENED???



    1. I agree with you. She was an extremely strong character, but why must they make females look utterly helpless when males are around?



  7. 1st of all TOTALLY AGREE WITH CAROLINE! I love the idea of Tori and Tristan being the next Divas of Degrassi, I just hope the writers give them time to just be 9th graders first, dealing with normal issues before throwing them into super high-drama situations. When I was in 9th grade I was worried about getting lost in the new school, I hope Degrassi doesn’t just throw away the really relatable, low drama storyline that they were once known for. Sometimes it’s nice not to have a shooting or stabbing in every single episode. Don’t push the freshmen into full throttle yet, let them develop so that we can get to know them and then care when crazy stuff happens to them.



    1. I agree with you 100% percent….one of my biggest complaints about Degrassi now is that because everyone is always consumed with some huge dramtic storyline they don’t really get a chance to cover smaller, more relatable issues anymore



    2. ^^^
      All of that. Give them more simpler plots and then let them grow into the stabbings and school shootings. That’s what made G1 so good. It started off so innocent then as they grew the issues got more crazy so seeing these kids that once complained about pimples deal with shootings made it more relate-able and realistic.



  8. Also is it just me or does KC sorta look like a girl with his new haircut?



    1. kc does kind of look like a girl i agree



  9. I can already see whats going to happen with Cake. Jake will become really close with Jenna and cheat on Clare with her. Then Clare will do what she did in the clip and Jake will freak out because he doesn’t want to be with her forever. I’m more interested in seeing what the two of them are like single. I mean, we don’t even know what Jake’s like besides what we see of him with Clare. Clare has become everything she wasn’t last season and it makes me angry coz I used to love Clare. I think that Drew and Katie are cute, but I hate that they were thrown together so quickly. I want to see an episode about Katie that has nothing to do with her relationship with Drew. Something like her dealing with something bad. I could imagine her having a really good stress storyline, with caffeine pills or something, where she wouldn’t need Drew for the whole episode. I hope Clare doesn’t lose her V-Card, or if she does, not to Jake and I hope that the Freshman are interesting. BTW, that fight scene looked so crap.



  10. Did anyone else notice the look on Jake’s face when Clare says “someone I love, who I can be with forever”? He does NOT look happy, and my guess is he will pump the brakes before going any further. Hopefully, after that rejection,it will be the end of Cake. I just want to see Clare deal with life without boyfriend drama: bonding with her mom, confronting her dad about his adultery, making some new friends(1st choice=Bianca), and reuniting with her fellow misfits. I’d also like to see her handle something really serious like getting bad news about Darcy (possibly death) or her mom getting pregnant…anything to force her to grow up & stop being so petulant. I have always loved Clare, and I refuse to give up on her or Eclare.



    1. The irony of Clare saying “forever” to Jake. Remember when Eli said that to Clare and she freaked out. I have a feeling Jake may freak out too. It would be crazy but what Jake and Clare had a special “marriage” by some spirtual person. Thats even too much for Degrassi. LOL



      1. I doubt jake would ever agree to that, or if he did, he’d back out of it at the last minute. Anyway, that storyline sounds too much like the Secret Life of the American Teenager, which is a much more full on show than Degrassi, so I hope they don’t do it.


  11. I’m pretty sure Jake is only making that face because he is about to have sex with his stepsister which should really give him something to hesitate about.



  12. Heck I rather would have Clare be with anyone but Jake, hopefully her becoming friends with Bianca might change her a bit, I may be wrong but her rumored friendship reminds me of Paige and Alex’s friendship



  13. i want clare to give up her virginity to eli NOT jake



    1. are you crazy jake eli is insane without his medication or therepy



  14. OMG…Clare is getitng on my nerves, like hella bad. It’s odd because she was one of my favorite characters, but of course, she has to be ruined to become this super annoying, boring boy crazy girl she never was initially. Clare is so dumb to me now, but I believe she can go back to her interesting, cool, relatable self.

    That fight scene was poorly done at best, not convincing at all like previous fights.I also don’t like the idea of thrusting the new people into major drama the first season, let us get a feel for them first.

    Oh and I’m sorry but hell no.at the possible KC, Jenna, Jake love triangle, not a fan of this idea.



  15. I seriously hope Clare does not lose her virginity to Jake….or anyone for that matter. I don’t understand why almost no one on Degrassi, let alone any show made for teens, can just remain a virgin and be fine with it. I’m seriously not trying to rant here or anything, but high school students who are in relationships and choose not to have sex have almost no representation in the media.



    1. what are u a nun we are sorry sister jess



      1. A nun? no……I just think that a show that constantly aims to show things and people that aren’t really represented on tv anywhere else should have at least one character who’s actually in a relationship who remains a virgin by choice…Clare would be the perfect candidate for that. Do I think this should be the case with every character? No of course not…..that would be an insanely inaccurate portrayal of high school. However, I personally find it annoying that when it comes to girls on this show in relationships there really isn’t anyone I can really relate to.


      2. I agree Jess– not everyone chooses to have sex in high school and that certainly doesn’t make you an uptight prude. In fact, I think it’s awesome that some people actually care and consider before jumping into bed with another person. Sex is not just about self gratification– it’s the physical affirmation of love, it’s showing another person that you care. I understand for some, it’s way to get off that has nothing whatever to do with love. It’s a past time, which is fine if that’s what they want. It always comes down to the person. Bed hopping doesn’t make you a slut and waiting for the right person doesn’t make you a nun. It’s time to stop judging and labeling and just let people do their thing…and asking a show to represent ALL kids is just that. If we leave out the “nun” we ostracize an entire group of people. That’s the same as someone keeping you out of a clique because you don’t “fit in”.


  16. Doesn’t anyone remember what Clare was like before all the boyfriend drama? Sorry, but I hated that side of her and personally think she has grown more than any character on the show. I think her and Jake are a good couple, though they do need to slow things down a bit since we haven’t got to see Jake have his own story yet. I do wish they would focus more on specific issues that teens are dealing with more like they used to, though there have been some that did.



    1. It’s true, they don’t. But to the show’s credit, Ellie and (99.9999% sure) Hazel were virgins when they graduated. You’re right though, I’d like to see Clare hold on to her virginity and be content with it, especially since she’s one of the lead characters. It’d give virgin teenage girls someone to relate to. It’s hard for kids to feel okay about being virgins when every character in every drama they’re watching is losing their virginity. Everyone’s so eager to get rid of it, and if you’re still a virgin by the time you’re 18, the implication is that there’s something wrong with you.



  17. They dont make the episodes like before because Degrassi Is Now A Soap Oprah , since Season 10 :/



  18. So I guess some people are pissed that Clare may lose her virginity to Jake insted of Eli. As of now Clare is very confused about her life. It has been a hell of rollercoaster ride. Everything she was taught is just sattered and she is maturing in thus she is a confused young woman. So if she does lose her virginity to Jake at least he is a great guy and not a jackass. People are forgetting that Clare is still a bit afraid of Eli. She may still love Eli but their is that fear of his mental unstability and that scares her. I know Jake is her stepbrother but they don’t see it that way.



    1. finally someone that understands clare



      1. Some people are so blinded by Eclare they forget important issues that triggered their break up. If I was Clare I would have left Eli in ‘Jesus Ect part 2’ that is when Clare started to realizes that Eli was too dependent on her. Clare and Eli are a horrible couple Clare crapped all over Eli when things did not go her own way. She blamed Julia and that is a very hurtful thing to say or do to someone you supposably love. When Eli rejected her sexually she brought up Julia in a hurtful way. BTW Eli was over her but she would not let it go. I know she had no clue he was a hoarder at the time but even if Eli’s room was clean he still would have said no because he respects her and her faith. Eli on the other hand has to relearn who he is and he needs to learn to be independent and love himself. I really hope that Eli and Clare never get back together.


  19. Degrassi's BIGGEST fan November 19, 2011 at 1:12 pm

    I understand what everyones saying… But i love degrassi no matter what happens. I just think clare is turning into darcy and hopefully they’re parents barge in with something like “clare we came home…… Early. OMG!!!! Clare Diane Edwards”….. Epic. But she really shuddnt lose her virginity at all i dont think. They shud keep her on the show as long as emma was then… She gets married to an unexpected charecter… K.C. maybe and at her honeymoon shows her losing her virginity. That would be great.



    1. k.c really he had a child and he barley even wanted to hold it at first and was basicly cheating on jenna with maricil



  20. I’m actually really interested in seeing the aftermath of Kenna, even though I was never a fan of the couple, the characters, or most of their story lines, excluding theirs with Ty in NoN. You know something’s wrong when I don’t want to see my favorite characters on screen anymore…



  21. I’m most interested in the freshman really. I am interested in the Kenna-aftermath storyline, assuming Jake doesn’t really end up being a part of it, therefore dragging Clare into it, therefore ruining another storyline. And if you can’t guess, I think the Cake-sex storyline is insanely stupid. For starters, it makes me sick. Clare changed so much. I wish she hadn’t. :(



  22. Where is that bus I ordered to run over Clare?

    Jake could easily be salvaged if he wasn’t ALL about that succubus.

    And I totally support Jake/Jenna. If I was into shipping, I would have created their fansite last night.



    1. I agree. They can be a chill “get each other” type of couple kind of like a Sellie.

      It’d also be hilarious to see Clare lose a second boyfriend to Jenna.



  23. I would love to see KC and Clare talk… not like romantically but work on a project together you know? or something along those lines… they were an interesting pairing… it would be cool to see her like call him out on like never taking responsibility for his actions.. then to have him turn it around on Clare and Clare figures out that KC is right, it would be a cool friendship to look into and a great way for Clare AND KC to look at what they have become since they were together… Like Jake or Jenna telling them they were immature wouldn’t really work but a third party, who is totally no longer involved in their live but knew them when they were better people? That would be sick!



    1. Thatd be interesting actually. its like KC/Clare never existed at this point in the show.



    2. That is exactly what I want. Then I thought Along the lines after they talk and become close Kc starts having feelings for Clare and maybe not Jake but Eli jumps in the picture? I thought that be alittle interesting..



  24. I’m SO EXCITED for the new freshman I want to be a freshman on season 12!!! ( I have an agent and all the requirements) Anyways i think Clare sleeping with Jake would be horrible, Ali being away for so long and they being distant has been bad for both of them!!! i don’t really like Jenna and now i think kc a jerk. Drew and Katie are so good and cute together! Fionna and eli are cute friends and if she was friends with katie and marisol she would be the leader. I like Eli single atleast he’s sane.Lastly poor Adam he gets shot and he cant find love I want someone for him to love!!



  25. Do you think a black girl with a mixed mom and curly hair as a frreshman would be good for Degrassi? Her name could be Scarlet and she is friends with Mya. Together they’ll take down Tori and get Zig with Mya. Just asking!!!



    1. I think a mixed kid actually PLAYING a mixed kid would be good for Degrassi. Or a black kid adopted by white parents. With such characters, the writers could focus on race relations within families.



      1. Yah she could even be related to a white charcter on the show!!! Like she could be Drews and adam godsister that would be interesting.


  26. omg I could not even watch the last part. IT’S JUST TOO AWKWARD. Clare is sooo not sexy and her pulling down her zipper just killed me. Cake is an unbelievably unorthodox couple! No chemistry whatsoever



  27. That has to be the shittiest girl fight I have ever seen.



  28. Alli and ‘Bi’ fight was 89.9?% better, but have you notice what type of girls they are

    Maya- Nerdy girl, and I doubt took lesson like her sister Katie!

    Tori- A beauty pageants girl!

    Also they’re Freshmens!



    1. wait so you are saying katie is the sister of nerdy girl.



      1. maya really can’t fight. were was the blood and i didn;t see any ripped out hair


      2. What are you talking about?


  29. I wonder why the hell parents would send their kids to Degrassi. There are shootings and gang related incidents at similar rates of inner city schools; they have to wear uniforms even though it’s not a private school; very limited staff; Media Immersion seems pretty redundant after four years of taking it; it’s got Snake as Principal



  30. The freshman – It seems like the freshman are going to deal with drama just within the group of freshman. I don’t think they’ll interact with many other characters in other grades which is kind of sad because Degrassi has gotten so much better with connection characters together to create the illusion of coherency. The Maya, Tori, Zig thing seems like everything we’ve ever seen about two girls fighting over a boy. I think Maya would be better suited for a story line about getting stuck in her sister’s shadow and her parents favoring Katie over her. Tori is better suited for a story line about trying to compete with seniors (as a freshman) for high power. Zig seems like the ‘popular hottie’ of the freshman so he’s just kind of there. AS for Tristan, I have no idea. I really hope he and Owen get something together about anything because the brother dynamic is great and Degrassi has practically forgotten that Drew and Adam are brothers.

    KC/Jenna – There is probably nothing happening with Jake and Jenna. Neither of them seemed like they wanted each other and it would be just another pointless thing for Jenna’s character. I think they just become friends and that makes Clare jealous and angers KC. We know that KC still loves Jenna so seeing her with so much emotion towards him could be a really interesting plot for KC (dealing with depression or other internal struggles). Part of me thinks that KC and Jenna will get back together but the more rational side tells me that they will simply make amends.

    Clare – We can all agree that her character had diminished significantly this past season. I agree that I would like to see Clare in more self-involved plots like confronting her dad about cheating and getting used to her mom’s marriage, but we all know that’s not going to happen. In that clip, I can just see their parents walking in or Jake stopping things from going too far for some reason. I think that will be the end of Cake no matter what. Either Jake brutally rejects Clare because he doesn’t want to be with her ‘forever’ or some other reason or because she loses her virginity to him and totally regrets it and falls into a downward spiral, blames it on him, end things with him, and forces herself to start a new.



    1. I bet that clare only trys to sleep with jake because kc gets jealous and runs and tells clare about what he heard. clare will then remeber what a boyfriend stealer jenna is a try to take things further with jake but he’ss so going to stop it you can tell he doesnt want to hurt clare by breaking up after they had sex!!!!
      Whats going to happen with bianca and drew story?



  31. Stephen Stohn said that MM and TN will air 11.5 simultaneously….starting in February-ish.

    If TN cared, they’d fill this 2+ month long gap with minis and behind the scenes video footage on their website, at least once a week until then. It costs almost nothing to edit together some footage of the cast members hanging out behind the scenes, in an effort to drum up interest for 11.5. I don’t think they got the ratings numbers they were expecting over the summer (based on “The Boiling Point’s” success), so if they want to keep fans interested, this is what they will have to do.

    But they won’t since they have zero business sense.



  32. Eliona and EClare November 20, 2011 at 2:18 pm

    Alright Degrassians! Let me give you my opinion on this 2nd 1/2 of Degrassi Now or Never

    Grade 9- Tori and Maya both are fighting over the same boy. Both characters are totally different in totally different ways. In my opinion it’s normal High School Drama! Maya Matlin is Katie’s younger sister. She has a love and talented passion for music & art. Also she wishes that she was able to practice music instead of living in Kate’s shadow of Sports. Tori on the other hand is a beauty pagent spoiled Grade 9 student. As she was raised she was proboaly born into a family who wanted their daughter to maybe continue on with their familys buisness. Or maybe Tori doesn’t really like being spoiled and doesn’t like modeling. Tori is proboaly using this excuse to impress everyone and a certain boy (Zig). As for the fight scence Tori lost it and threatened Maya by ticking her off. I was honestly a little disappointed by the way the fight was delivered.



  33. Jake may really like Clare but that “forever” is definitely going to want to stop him. TeenNick may think their tricky getting fangirls hyped up over Clare unzipping her shirt but it’s pretty clear it’s just a teaser. I’m sure they won’t actually go through with it.
    I found the scene with Jake and Jenna interesting, I can see Jake being unfaithful to Clare.
    I’m so unexcited about the freshman, but I always am with a new season of Degrassi. It’ll take me a while to like them.



    1. that is why clare and jake should have sex it will bring them closer



  34. I am most excited about is freshman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alex is hopefully going to be like a manny chareter lmfaoo i love manny from degrassi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  35. I seriously hope that Jake and Clare don’t have sex. It is morally wrong to have relations with your step sibiling its not illegal but culturally wrong. I am so appaulled buy Helen and Glen getting married even though they knew Clare and Jake were dating. Most parents would have that family discussion about it. Like maybe having one of the kids move another parent. I have a feeling that Clare is purposely tring to break up Glen and Helens marriage and the best way to that is to have sex or sexually manipulate the step brother.
    Or She does love him and does not care what the parents think. I think Clare is just so messed up emotionally she has no clue what the heck she is doing. She did sound kind of brainwashed in the promo?? Who the hell knows.

    The Jenna, Jake, and KC thing? I think KC probably thinks that there is something between Jake and Jenna??



  36. I don’t picture Jake & Clare staying together as a couple. Jake’s character description is supposed to be some toe of playboy so I’d like to see that in action (even if it’s not with Jenna). This way Clare & Jake will actually have to deal with each other being under the same roof and going to the same school (without Jake running away to his cabin).

    Like many, I’m most interested in seein Kenna post adoption.

    Too bad their weren’t clips o’s Eli/Fiona and Adam.



  37. I think Jake will freak out from the forever thing and not have sex with clare which will cause her to get angry and sad because clare deals with rejection poorly. She will then go crying to her soul mate Eli and they will have sex.
    KC needs to get over Jenna and go out with Marisol even though I know Kary hates her but still I think they want were cute and Jenna lost that sweet, fake country girl act the minute we found out she was pregnant. KC still had that fun personality and so does Marisol.



    1. I think Eli would reject Clare too because he knows she is not ready. also in mind Eli might be dating Imogen and Eli is not the type to cheat or have her cheat.

      As for Jenna and KC I think they may get back together.



    2. that is what i was thinking.but eli and clare are not going to because when clare’s parents were getting a divorce clare tried to with eli but he rejected her and of course she didn’t take it well.



  38. That catfight was so lame. The only plot that looked interesting was Kenna.



  39. I think the best cat fight goes to Emma and Alex years ago. Didn’t one of them knee the other in the face? That was insane.



    1. yeah i saw thta one and i think alex kneed amma



      1. No, Emma kneed Alex I’m the face


      2. *in


  40. oh my god why didn’t anyone tell me maya is katie’s sister



  41. Why do the freshmen have to have relationship drama? ALREADY?!?!?

    I have a feeling I’m going to like Tori, even if we saw her for only 10 seconds. She already reminds me of Manny…not only cause, in real life, Alex is Cassie’s sister, but how straight-up Tori is (as in she really doesn’t care what she says and how it affects you.)

    I’m just so excited for the 2nd half of the season :3 Can’t wait, even though it airs in February -_______-



  42. I’ve come to the conclusion that semester long seasons just make Degrassi really lame. It ruins the importance of couples which is why I would never ship a couple in this new context. It just makes breakups kinda of lame because outside of Jenna and KC, none of them will last more than three months. Rationality should prove that a relationship that lasts under three months shouldn’t really matter.



  43. Why do people care that there is relationship drama? I know that that is pretty much all high school is. It’s the main thing. Other things are in the background, but all anyone ever talks about is relationships.



    1. Yes, it’s entertaining to watch but only to a certain degree. It shouldn’t be the main focus of the show though, stu..which, recently, it has been. There’s so much more to high school than relationships; so much more. And that’s why I feel Degrassi, as of season 11, is spiraling downward, storyline wise. I miss when Degrassi actually “went there” or was “about to get real.” I want something jaw dropping to happen to a character that doesn’t involve any sort of weapon at a school dance…-___- even though the scene where Fitz pretended to stab Eli. That scene gave me chills and made my heart race.



    2. well if they didn’t talk about relationships on degrassi then what dramatic drama will there be. there will pretty much be no other reason to watch degrassi.think about it , without bad relatioships alli would have never run away and that would have messed up the storyline.jenna and kc would have never had ty(there son) then the whole story would have been different. if drew and bianca’s relationship wouldn’t have failed then they might have still been together and drew might have never even met katie. if clare and eli would have stayed together then soon or later eli might have killed himself just because she was late for a date. if dave would have cheated on ali with another girl in “nowhere to run” then she and jake might have never kissed,clare would have never ran into the woods, and the whole story would be all diferent.if drew would have never went to the boiler room with bianca then ali and bianca would have never had thet awesome catfight.without relationships everything on degrassi wouldn’t make scence.



      1. What about storyline’s like Ellie’s cutting or Emma’s anorexia/bullemia? You know, the real deal drama. Those didn’t happen because of relationships. I don’t mind relationship drama just not all the freaking time. Don’t get it twisted, booboo. Shit, they’re starting off the freshman with relationship drama.


  44. well i think eli might have deserved it because fitz was trying to make up with eli but of course eli couldn’t let the past go and just had to put something in fitz drink. stabing may have been to far but nothing else works with eli.at least now that clare is dating jake there is no scary moments like that .



  45. think about this, relationships happen to almost everyone that ever goes to highschool. i don’t think anyone in season 11 cut themself so we can just cross that kind of drama out. only one person from season 11 had anorexia and that is katie which she is recovering from so the only other drama is relationships. p.s the only reason why emma had anorexia was because she didn’t want to get fat so she could look good for a boy which would have lead to what we call relationship drama.



    1. There’s so much more storylines that I didn’t name. I was using Ellie’s cutting back in the earlier seasons as an example. I NEVER said someone cut the themself in season 11. I bet you ask anyone and they’ll agree that recent seasons, season 11 is particular, have been more relationship driven. Yeah, relationships do exist in high school but I’m just saying it shouldn’t be the main thing i.e. Cake, Eclare, Elimogen (Elmo), etc. Jeezus, I’m starting to sound repetitive. Obviously, “degrassi



    2. There’s so much more storylines that I didn’t name. I was using Ellie’s cutting back in the earlier seasons as an example. I NEVER said someone cut the themself in season 11. I bet you ask anyone and they’ll agree that recent seasons, season 11 is particular, have been more relationship driven. Yeah, relationships do exist in high school but I’m just saying it shouldn’t be the main thing i.e. Cake, Eclare, Elimogen (Elmo), etc. Jeezus, I’m starting to sound repetitive. Obviously, “degrassi is my life” doesn’t comprehend what I’m trying to say. Yeah, Emma’s storyline did span from a guy (Peter) but it slowly focused on her own self and how she perceived her own body in the environment she was in.



  46. I just want Eli and Imogen to happen. I am so burnt out on The Eclare drama and I hope that Clare and Eli can some how go there own ways or just be friends. I think that clip of Clare and Jake may happen and I hope it doesn’t happen because she finds out Eli had sex with Imogen or someone else.

    I really hope Jenna and KC patch things up I actually do like their pairing. You can actually see they do love each other.

    Am I the only one who noticed that Munro looks more fit as in working out.



  47. i really agree with degrassi4lyfe. when will degrassi go back to their go there moments? if the dont go back to their roots their gonna lose viewers. its just si anboying with couples on this show. theres soo much to high school than relationships.



    1. Thank you! It’s nice to see people who have some common sense. I don’t want to see Degrassi become a show like One Tree Hill or 90210, unrealistic and entertainment driven.



  48. Im excited to see the new Freshmen.. I dont really like kenna.. I Agree With Bith Degreaasi4Lyfe And degrassi is my life because the whole story would be different without bad relationships but they could focus on other stuff to and not make it relationships all the time.. And lots of people watch this show so its gonna start influencing kids who were like the old caire(all about the lord) to turn to boyfriends/girlfriends when things do go as planned..



  49. how much all you wanna be its just a wet dream from either clare or jakes point of view and this was just to get everyone riled up only to feel dumb



  50. i really hope keena doesnt get back together. jenna desereves so much better than that douce bag.



  51. why the hell do they still show cake?! they are freaken step brother and sister! its sick and wrong for them to have sex or even date!! and i use to like clare but now she is just a winny little baby who winns every time something doesnt go her own way and im tired of seeing her only in boy problems. i hope that either jake stops or their parents walk in when they supposily going to have sex. also, i hope that jake will dump her harshly so she will know how it feels. she dump eli at the point when he needed her the most. i agree that they needed a break so eli can get better but they could’ve been just friends. and in the beginning of season 11 when eli acted like he was over her, clare was being selfish and acted like eli cant be over her. it was like she wanted him to suffer. i dont want eclare back together right now. clare needs time to grow and stop being so selfish and eli needs time to get better and try to forget all the crap his been through. in the new season, i dont think that eli and imogen will get together because eli did say that he is always going to be in love with clare and no relationship can work if someone loves another person that isnt who they are with. also, i dont think imogen will want to be with him after the way he treated her. what would be interesting is like jake rejects clare and breaks up with her FOR GOOD and then she runs crying to eli and eli be’s his sweet self and talks to her about it and then clare realizes that she still loves eli and asks him to talke her back but he rejects her because he thinks that she only wants to get back together with him just to get closure, or something like that. as for the freshmen, what the hell?!! why would the degrassi writers already put them in fight scenes over a boy?! i hate to say this but….degrassi isnt as good as it use to be :(



  52. I like Aislinn Paul as an actress but I hate the character Clare. She is a pain.
    Doesn’t that red head 10th grader look like that kid in Degrassi Junior high that got stuck in a closet by Joey?



  53. I adore this kind of Clare



  54. I really hopes clare does not lose her virginity. It would be really nice to see that small percent of girls that dont have sex during high school on degrassi. Degrassi is very relatable and I think that would make it even more relatable because everyone in high school isnt having sex.



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